
Proverbs (John Goldingay) A Review.

The Ministerial Life and the Realm of God—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 5B (Mark 1)

Being Real: The Apostle Paul's Hardship Narratives and the Stories We Tell Today (Philip Plyming) - A Review

Waiting for God to Renew Our Strength—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 5B (Isaiah 40)

Freedom and Neighborly Love --- Sermon for Epiphany 4B (1 Corinthians 8)

Building the Basileia: Moving the Church into the 22nd Century (Ulrick Dam) - A Review.

As One with Authority—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 4B (Mark 1)

Nice Churchy Patriarchy: Reclaiming Women's Humanity from Evangelicalism (Liz Cooledge Jenkins) - A Review