What is Religion Good For?

If you listen to Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris and friends, religion isn't good for much. It's rather dangerous, and they have a point, because historically and currently, religion appears to be playing a pretty negative/divisive role in our nation and around the world. Islamic extremists are easy pickings today -- with Osama Bin Laden and Muqtadr al Sadr in the news, but their not alone. We Christians can't feel too superior!

Brian McLaren, over at the God's Politics Blog, offers I think a very helpful response -- a call to humility and service.

He writes:

Last time I checked, three of the top 10 "religious" books were in praise of atheism and against religion in all its forms. In these times of snarky religious cold wars in some quarters and hot religious violence in others, I'm not surprised. Those of us who see religion in a different light – who see religion as a powerful motivation to care for the widow and orphan, to seek justice and peace, to love our neighbors and our enemies – shouldn't feel superior, but we should keep practicing, and preaching, with humility and focus. It's so easy to get distracted, and a lot is at stake.

I agree -- a lot is at stake!
P.S. poster is found on the God's Politics posting!


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