Looking Back on a Month

One month ago today, on July 1, we mosied into Las Vegas, day one on our cross country journey from California to Michigan. We arrived here in Troy on July 6 and began our new life in our new home. It has been a most interesting month. Even though it's summer and many are away, we've been trying to jump in feet first! Things don't always work out the way you think or hope, but over all things have gone well.
The transition has been easier for me than for the family -- but that's to be expected. I have a place of employment, while Cheryl figures out what's next for her. Brett is enrolled in school, but hasn't found a job. So, their transition is still in stage 1.
As I look forward into the future I know that there are many changes ahead for me, for the family, and for the church. We're all on an adventure together -- and adventures have their twists and turns. It's too early to know how things will work out. But I remain very positive and very hopeful. The hope is rooted, in my mind and heart, in the knowledge that I do not go on the journey alone. I may not always feel that presence, but I know in my heart that God is with us in this.
All of this may help explain why my blogging has been sporadic at best!


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