Discerning the Direction of God

Father, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me. (St. Augustine)

We are home from our journey. We spent time with a great search committee in a city far from our Southern California home. We return with much on our hearts, knowing that they also must discern God's direction. In due time all must make their decisions -- and I have more than one decision to make. Do I stay where I am, knowing that I am loved and encouraged. Or, do I take a leap of faith and take up a new challenge. There is much to be said for both options.
These words from Augustine are helpful, for they speak of my own sense of things at this time and place. The reality is that God is at work in both places. The question is where God would have me (I should say us, for it involves Cheryl as well) be.
The important point to make at this point is that we seek to be the missio dei, the mission of God where we are placed.


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