The Race Begins in Earnest

John McCain will be in nearby Sterling Heights later today, together with his new VP. The conventions are over, the speeches have been given, and now it's just two candidates (and their #2's). I didn't watch McCain's speech last night, but from all reports, and the clips that I've seen, it's pretty much what we've seen before. He's not eloquent but he has a compelling life story. He fought then and he'll fight now. But as for what he'll do to change Washington or solve the nation's woes, we heard nothing new.

McCain's claim to change is that he'll cut taxes and cut spending. Well, we've seen taxes cut these past 8 years and the economy is worse off now then when George Bush began. As for the spending he'll cut -- the biggest drain on the economy is the war, along with energy prices. At this point in time oil prices are going down, but the economy still is having problems. Living in Michigan the biggest issue is getting the auto industry back in form, that is, we need to move to the new realities.

Obama is calling for support to Detroit as it retools -- as long as it retools. He talks about giving tax breaks to companies that will create jobs for American workers. I expect his trade policy will be pragmatic. Indeed, everything we've seen is that he's a careful, pragmatic, compassionate leader. He's not impulsive nor does he have a quick trigger. I like that!


I should have counted how many times McCain used the word "choice" in his speech last night (probably even more times than he punctuated his sentences with "my friends"). He's promising choice in schools (private, public, and charter), that the government will give us more choices rather than make choices for us, choices in how we spend and invest our money (e.g., lower taxes), and so forth. Indeed, based on last night's speech alone, one might well conclude that the GOP has taken up "pro-choice" as its main campaign theme.
Anonymous said…
It's ironic that while McCain plays on his life as a war hero, Obama and the Democrats only express their utmost respect. However Kerry was riduculed and accused as a traitor by the Republicans for his life as a war hero. McCain has spent his life trying desperately to become the most powerful man in the world, while Obama has fallen into politics almost accidentally due to his genuine concerns and skills. I'd rather have someone who has not been involved in politics than someone experienced in the art of deviousness and deception.

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