Finding stability in a changing world

We live in an ever changing world, where so many of us feel cut off from our roots and our foundations.  We have become wanderers, nomads, from whence shall our help come?

I've begun reading Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove's The Wisdom of Stability, (Paraclete, 2010).  I'm just in the opening chapter, a chapter that speaks of foundations.  I want to offer a paragraph from that text, that suggests a way to finding stability in life.

The house of God is our greatest hope, the true home toward which all our strivings point us.  Yet here it is in the foundation story of Israel, a gift offered to a wandering scoundrel [Jacob].  Stability does not depend on our ability to shore up crumbling foundations in the midst of change and confusion.  Rather, it rests on the character of One who promises to love us where we are.  Faith is a response to that love, rooting us in the reality of a God who is faithful.  (pp. 16-17). 
 In our time of wandering, where does our stability come from?


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