
Showing posts with the label Christology

When Jesus Got Lost in Jerusalem - A Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 1C (Luke 2)

The Perfect High Priest - Lectionary Reflection (Hebrews 7) for Pentecost 22B

Revelation of God and Pioneer of Salvation - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 19B (Hebrews 1-2)

The Jesus I Didn't Know I Didn't KNow (Tim Reddish) - A Review

Beware the Strongman

The Vine and the Branches - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5B (John 15)

Freeing Jesus (Diana Butler Bass) -- A Review

Divine Self-Investment: An Open and Relational Constructive Christology (Tripp Fuller) -- A Review

Mysterious Melchizedek