
Showing posts with the label Easter

Christ’s Resurrection: First Fruits -- A Sermon for Epiphany 6C (1 Corinthians 15)

Overwhelmed with Joy -- Sermon for Ascension (Reposted)

Parades, Peeps, and Paradoxes -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Community in the Shadow of the Resurrection - Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2B (Acts 4)

The Power of the Resurrection - Sermon for Easter B

Terror and Amazement” -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter, Year B

Death Has Been Swallowed Up Forever - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter Year B (Isaiah 25)

Jesus for Disciples of Christ

Unity and Mission -- #DOCweareone -- Reflection

A Word about Religion - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 6A (Acts)