
Showing posts with the label Islam

Exit West (Mohsin Hamid) -- Review

The Religiocification of Hate -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

A Public Faith -- A Review (reposted)

Tending the Margins

Taking Exception: How Muhammad Ali Transformed American Religion - Sightings (M. Cooper Harriss)

Pakistan's Ahmadi Muslims: Attacked, Impoverished and Ghettoized -- Sightings (Ali Usman Qasmi)

France's "Incomplete Citizens" and Why Some Put Islam First -- Sightings (Myriam Renaud)

Tolerance and Truth(s) -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Muslims in the South -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Lost in Translation -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Remembering three lives lost in Chapel Hill

How Not to Understand Isis -- Sightings (Alireza Doostdar)

For ISIS, the United States’ Military Strikes Confirm God’s Favor -- Sightings (Jeffrey Kaplan)

Myanmar: Buddhist-Muslim Tensions -- Sightings (David Steinberg)

Intolerance and Violence -- Sightings (Martin Marty)