
Showing posts with the label Panentheism

Can Contemporary Theologians Still Affirm that God (Literally) Does Anything?

Actions Human and Divine: Toward a Panentheistic-Participatory Theory of Agency –

Natural Law and the Problem of Divine Action

“Open Panentheism” and Creation as Kenosis

Worshiping the Responsive God

“The Becoming of the One Who Always Was: Toward a Trinity in Process” -- Chapter 10 (Part 2)

“The Becoming of the One Who Always Was: Toward a Trinity in Process” -- Chapter 10 (Part 1)

Thoughts on the Trinity -- For Trinity Sunday

From Substance to Subject

An Introduction to Panentheism -- Theoblogging

What is Process Theology?

Theological Reflections on Emergence

Philip Pullman's Not Really an Atheist!