
Showing posts with the label Resurrection

The Gift of Eternal Life—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 7A (1 John 5)

One Flock, One Shepherd -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 4B (John 10)

Complicity and the System - A Sermon for Easter 3B (Acts 3)

To Be a Child of God -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 3B (1 John 3)

One In Heart and Soul -- Sermon for Easter 2B (Acts 4)

Is the Bible Communist? A Reflection from Acts 4

Easter Isn't Over Yet -- A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2B (John 20)

Death Has Met Its Match -- A Sermon for Easter Sunday (Mark 16; Isaiah 25)

Terror and Amazement - Lectionary Reflection for Easter Sunday (Mark 16)