
The Unexpected Christian Century (Scott Sunquist) -- A Review

God Is in Our Midst -- A Sermon for Advent 3C

Freedom in Covenant -- An excerpt

“Religious Freedom” After 50 Years? -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Loving My Muslim Neighbor

God Has No Grandchildren - Lectionary Reflection for Advent 3C

What the World Needs Now (Tom Clay)

Refined by Fire - Reflection for Advent 2C

Death Hath No Sting

Mass Shootings In America -- NO MORE

What's the Future of the Seminary?

The Salvation of God - Lectionary Reflection for Advent 2C

Advent: Preparation for What?

Promises Fulfilled -- Advent 1C

Searching for Home

Religious Children More Ungenerous? -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Every Good and Perfect Gift -- A Thanksgiving Reflection

Watching for Signs of the Kingdom - Lectionary Reflection - Advent 1 (Luke 21)