Some Light at the End of Detroit's Tunnel

In my continuing attempt to defend my new adopted hometown, I was heartened to hear last night that Congress had found a way out of the current dilemma. Or, at least it found a way to plug the dike until a new Congress and a new President arrived to work out something longer term. I had always wondered why Nancy Pelosi refused to tap into the money already approved for re-tooling. If that's where Bush wants to take it, then take it and then replenish it when you have a new Congress.

Well, it seems as if this has been approved and not too soon. Late last night the Democratic leaders came together and worked out a plan that should keep things afloat until at least March. I understand that this is a long road and that the end is not in sight, but at least we can live to fight another day.

Again, I must say, to all of those who like to dump on the "Big 3," take a closer look at the facts. Yes, they made cars that won't sell now. But will Americans now start buying big again with the drop in oil prices. That's what got us into this situation in the first place. Yes, it's a chicken or the egg kind of thing, but Detroit is not the only culprit here.

So, let's move ahead and have a happy holiday season!!!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!


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