
Showing posts with the label Book of Acts

Who Am I to Hinder God? - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5C (Acts 11)

Who Are You, Lord? - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 3C

Obedience to Whom? A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2C (Acts 5)

Baptized in the Spirit - A Sermon for Baptism of Jesus Sunday (Acts 8)

What Is It with Baptism? Thoughts from 1 Corinthians 1

Living Under God’s Rule - A lectionary Reflection for Christ the King Sunday B

The Boundary Breaking Spirit - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 6B (Acts 10)

Paul: A Biography (N.T. Wright) -- A Review

Water! Baptism? Time to Rejoice! - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5B (Acts 8)