
Dead to Sin, Alive to God - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 3A (Romans 6)

Making Joyful Noise -- Sermon for Pentecost 2A (Psalm 100)

The Gospel of Matthew (Pope Francis) - A Review

Remembering 35th Anniversary of Ordination - June 9, 1985

Peace with God - A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 2A (Romans 5)

Who Are These Humans? -- A Sermon for Trinity Sunday (Psalm 8)

Native (Kaitlin Curtice) -- A Review

Donald Trump and America's Iconic Bible

A Triune Blessing --A Lectionary Reflection for Trinity Sunday (2 Corinthians 13)

A Time to Listen

Manifold Works of God - A Sermon for Pentecost Sunday A (Psalm 104)