Celebrating a New Ministry

Today we gathered -- we being the Pacific Southwest Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) -- to formally elect (in the morning) and then install (in the afternoon) Don and Susan Gonzales Dewey as Co-Regional Ministers of our region. It was a grand day, one presided over by our General Minister and President, Sharon Watkins.
Don and Susan are good friends and I'm excited about their new ministry. This is both a challenging and an exciting time to be in church leadership. I'm confident that Don and Susan are the kind of visionary leaders we need, just as Sharon has shown herself to be with the General church.
Because we're not a hierarchical church, Don and Susan can only do as much as the churches allow them to do. They have a vision of empowering and releasing people to do ministry. They believe that the gifts are there, to be released. Because of the diversity present within this region -- both in the churches and even more so in the broader community, Sharon told us that the church at large is looking to us to be the example. It always seems to be that way, Southern California always leads the way, and again we shall do so. Our churches may not be grand -- no megachurches in our region -- but the seeds of hope are present.
If you know Don and Susan or if you're a friend of this region, pray for our new leaders, even as I will be in prayer for them.
I close this with a prayer for those who minister, especially Don and Susan, from Chalice Worship (Chalice Press, 1997).
We thank you, O God, for those whom you have called through the centuries to serve in the ministry of the church. Pour your blessings on those whom you have called today and especially on your servants Don and Susan whom we now remember; that by word and deed they may bear witness to your saving love and power and enable your people to grow up into him who is the Head, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and honor forever. Amen.


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