
Showing posts with the label David

Do-Over Anointing - A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 4B (1 Samuel)

The Eternal Throne -- Lectionary Reflection for Advent 4 B (2 Samuel)

Bearing Witness to the Risen Christ -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2A

Don’t Judge by Appearances - Sermon for Lent 4A

Revelations of the Heart -- Lectionary Reflection for Lent 4A (1 Samuel)

You’re the Man - Sermon for Pentecost 10B

A Time to Celebrate - A Sermon for Pentecost 7B

The Lord Was With Him -- Sermon for Pentecost 6B

Preaching from the Old Testament -- A Conversation

The Mighty Have Fallen - Sermon for Pentecost 5B

The Bigger They Are . . . Lectionary Reading for Pentecost 4B

Divine Criteria -- Sermon for Pentecost 3B

Reviving Love -- A Sermon for Advent 4B

Generations -- A Sermon for the First Sunday after Christmas

Love amidst Conflict -- A Lectionary Reflection