A Way Out?

Looking for a picture of George McGovern I went to Wikipedia, and there I found reference to an interesting Senate bill, sponsored by George McGovern ( a Democrat) and Mark Hatfield (a Republican from Oregon). It was put before the Senate in 1970 and went down to defeat by a 55 to 39 vote defeat. But it might give some guidance to present actions -- Barack? Hillary? Chuck Hagel?

Here it is -- as copied from Wikipedia:

McGovern-Hatfield Amendment, H.R. 17123

(a) In accordance with public statements of policy by the President, no funds authorized by this or any other act may be obligated or expended to maintain a troop level of more than 280,000 armed forces of the United States in Vietnam after April 30, 1971.
(b) After April 30, 1971, funds herein authorized or hereafter appropriated may be expended in connection with activities of American Armed Forces in and over Indochina only to accomplish the following objectives:
(1) the orderly termination of military operations there and the safe and systematic withdrawal of remaining armed forces by December 31, 1971;
(2) to secure the release of prisoners of war;
(3) the provision of asylum for Vietnamese who might be physically endangered by withdrawal of American forces; and
(4) to provide assistance to the Republic of Vietnam consistent with the foregoing objectives; provided however, that if the President while giving effect to the foregoing paragraphs of this section, finds in meeting the termination date that members of the American armed forces
are exposed to unanticipated clear and present danger, he may suspend the application of paragraph 2(a) for a period not to exceed 60 days and shall inform the Congress forthwith of his findings; and within 10 days following application of the suspension the President may submit recommendations, including (if necessary) a new date applicable to subsection b(1) for
Congressional approval.


Mystical Seeker said…
Also known as "The Amendment to End the War". I remember that bill, actually. I specifically remember McGovern going on national TV (probably with Hatfield, but I remember McGovern and not Hatfield for some reason) in prime time (presumably in a paid spot) to promote the Amendment to End the War and to urge people to contact their Senators. I saw that TV segment and I was so excited, I told my fifth grade teacher about it the next day. However, she favored the war, and was not pleased. :)

Whenever my current Congresswoman, Pelosi, says that it is completely off the table for her party to support a measure that would cut funding to the war in Iraq, it just reminds me of full of crap she is.

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