No End in Sight

Recently President Bush made it clear that we'll not be leaving Iraq under his watch. In saying this he invoked Vietnam and turned it's example upside-down. If you listen to his rhetoric he is basically saying we'll never leave Iraq -- in other words, there's "no end in sight."

The Iraq War, like the Vietnam War before it, was ill-conceived, incompetently planned and executed. While the troops did their job, their superiors, especially the civilian ones didn't or they did it poorly. Now we're in the quagmire we were promised wasn't going to happen. In and Out that's what we were promised -- 4 years ago. But Iraq and Afghanistan remain in turmoil.

Word comes that the decision to disband the Iraqi Army ran counter to presidential orders -- or so the President kind of remembers -- so how did such a thing happen? If the President is the decider, then who made the decision that has led to such a disaster?

Much of this apparently is taken up in a new Sundance award winning film -- No End in Sight. Here is the trailer. I'll let it speak for itself.


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