What Kind of Churchman is Fred Thompson?

Now that Fred Thompson, aka Law and Order DA Arthur Branch, has declared his intention to be the next President, and will be campaigning for the social conservative vote -- which is largely religiously based -- the question has arisen: What kind of Churchman is Fred Thompson?

Apparently, according to the reportage at Baptist affiliated Ethics Daily, Fred's heritage is Church of Christ. Now, just for the uninitiated, the Church of Christ is one of three branches of the Stone-Campbell Movement, of which my Disciples denomination is another. The Church of Christ is best known for the lack of musical instruments in worship, which is why they are often called "Non-instrumental" churches or "A capella" Churches. They tend to be a bit stricter than we Disciples are in their biblical interpretation. They are, none the less part of the same family.

Like that other paragon of Stone-Campbell heritage, Ronald Reagan, Fred is apparently known to attend a Presbyterian Church, that of his current wife, whom he married in a United Church of Christ church, which by the way isn't related to the Church of Christ, even though the Disciples, who are related to the Church of Christ has a partnership relationship with the more liberal UCC! By the way, Barack Obama is a member of a UCC church in Chicago! So, are you confused yet?

Reports from the pastor of the Presbyterian church, which his wife is apparently a member, Fred attends occasionally, but the pastor hasn't met Fred yet. S0, it would appear that his churchmanship is fairly marginal. That's not to say he's not a great guy, it's just that by and large he's not a church going guy.

All this confusion leads Robert Parham, of Ethics Daily therefore asks an important question:

Robert Parham of the Baptist Center for Ethics said Thompson should clear up any confusion about his church affiliation and attendance.

"The American people will decide in due time whether Thompson is a man who can be trusted in the Oval Office," Parham said. "Right now, however, voters deserve to know the truth about Thompson's churchmanship, if any."

"Christian voters especially deserve straight-talk if Thompson is going to use God-talk in his campaign," Parham said. "If Thompson doesn't walk the talk, then he misuses faith for wrongful political ends and discloses a deep moral flaw."


Mystical Seeker said…
I grew up in a Stone-Campbell church, but it wasn't Disciples and it wasn't non-instrumental. We had a big old organ in the church where I grew up.
Anonymous said…
Where Thompson goes to church and how often probably doesn't matter for whether or not he would make a good president. Ronald Reagan was a poor president who seldom attended church, but Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson were great presidents who seldom attended church. Ditto with FDR.

But if Thompson plays to the Religious Right, as expected, then this does matter--it is a form of deception.
Robert Cornwall said…
Mystical Seeker you were part of the middle branch -- the one that's connected to the North American Christian Convention. It tends to be more evangelical than either of the other two branches.


You're correct, where and when one worships doesn't matter unless one seeks to portray oneself as a religious type. That doesn't seem to be the case with Fred -- at least he's not that overtly religious. Whatever his conservative viewpoints, they must come from elsewhere. The important thing here is clarity.

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