A cup of water for an immigrant

Faith in the Public Square
Lompoc Record
April 9, 2006

Holy Week begins for much of Christendom as Congress debates immigration reform. A bill that passed the House is so draconian that it would criminalize the giving of assistance to undocumented persons by religious groups. A bill that lies before the Senate combines a guest worker provision with the possibility of earning citizenship. With an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, questions abound as to their impact on the American economy as well as the nation's social and cultural systems.
Polls certainly suggest that immigration is an issue of concern, with questions of security complicating what was once considered an economic or cultural issue. These polls also suggest that Americans are sharply divided over the issue. That there are such sharp divisions over immigration shouldn't surprise us. Although we are a nation of immigrants, there has long been an anti-immigrant sentiment in America. Think of the Klan and the Know-Nothing Party of the 19th Century. Back then the targets were African-Americans, Irish, Italian, and Jewish, but as time wore on others were added to the list. Perhaps you remember the sentiment as it played out in the movie “Gangs of New York.”
America has a tradition of opening its doors to immigrants. My ancestors came from England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and Holland in search of a new life and new opportunities. They responded to the message engraved on the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Of course, the welcome mat has been more freely extended to some than to others.That something must be done to fix a broken immigration system is without question, but the debates show that there is no easy or perfect solution. As history demonstrates, building walls does little to keep determined migrants out and criminalizing acts of charity seems not just un-American, but inhumane. Besides, there are economic issues - we've become dependent on immigrant labor (whether legal or not) to work our farms, clean our homes and hotels, cook our food, mow our lawns, and clean our houses. Most of the “illegals” living here, work hard, hoping they can better their lives. That was the goal of my ancestors as well.
Recently, Cardinal Roger Mahoney, of Los Angeles, issued a much criticized statement that said: the Catholic Church will continue offering compassionate services to illegal immigrants even if the practice is outlawed by the government. Many have called this un-American, but I remember a group of Christians who told the governing officials that they must obey God rather than human authorities (Acts 4:18-21).
Cardinal Mahoney's words echo biblical traditions that call for God's people to care for the alien and the foreigner among them. The book of Leviticus says: “When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 19:33-34). As we debate immigration reform, perhaps these words will offer us some vital guidelines.
While security is certainly an issue of great concern, fear must not be the engine that drives immigration reform. With few illegals coming here for malicious reasons, let's remember the call to care for the neighbor in need. Besides, it's shortsighted to deny the alien, whether legal or not, education and medical care.
One faith-based organization that has tackled this issue head on is Humane Borders, a Tucson-based organization that not only advocates for immigration reform, it provides water stations in the desert. In spite of walls and border patrols, people keep migrating north, many of whom make it across the border only to die of thirst in the searing desert heat. But, a cup of water, a very biblical image, can save a life. For more information about this ministry, check their Web site: http://www.humaneborders.org/. As Deuteronomy reminds us: “You shall love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 10:19).
Dr. Bob Cornwall is pastor of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Lompoc (www.lompoc.org).
April 9, 2006


Adam Gonnerman said…
You know, the hypocrisy of the words at the foot of the Statue of Liberty has made me consider starting a petition to have them removed. Maybe a little reverse-psychology would help.
Robert Cornwall said…
Of course, from the very beginning there has been hypocrisy involved in this wonderful statement. Nativism isn't new -- but rather has been endemic to our national DNA. A petition to remove it might raise awareness. But hopefully rather than remove it Americans will finally embrace out identity statement.

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