Kathleen Sebelius -- VP?

Chris Cizilla -- WaPo's "The Fix" -- profiles Kathleen Sebelius, trying to make a case for her as VP. I had hoped she would be Obama's running mate. She's a successful governor who has shown us how to work within and across party constraints. She's a woman, who would make a historic dent in the glass ceiling.
Here's part of his argument for her candidacy:
One of the major components of Obama's success in the Democratic primaries was his appeal not only to his party's base voters but also to independent voters and disaffected Republicans. His post-partisan message resonated with voters sick of the status quo in Washington.

Sebelius is a living, breathing example of how politicians can transcend party boundaries and find success in a state in which the deck appears to be stacked against her.
In order to understand the magnitude of the challenge before any Kansas Democrat seeking statewide office, one need only look as far as the state's voter registration numbers. As of March 2008, there were 741,006 registered Republicans in Kansas and just 445,468 registered Democrats -- a massive 295,000 person difference. In fact, registered Democrats are not even the second-largest voting bloc in the state; that distinction goes to Kansas's 446,550 unaffiliated voters.
What she would offer is a strong voice to a campaign centering on changing the political climate. Now Cizilla will offer the argument against her tomorrow -- so we'll have to wait to see what he says.
Although I think Joe Biden would be an excellent choice, because of the gravitas and experience he brings to the ticket. He would also help Obama in that Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Ohio region. But if we want to get away from old school and embrace new school, then Sebelius remains an excellent candidate.
Of course, with news that Obama's chief vetter is pulling out, we may have to wait a bit longer for a decision!


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