Muslim Interfaith Outreach

Being inclined toward interfaith conversation, believing that it is a key to bringing both peace and justice to our world, I'm intrigued by word that the Saudi King would like to initiate an interfaith conversation. I'm intrigued because the Saudis practice one of the narrowest and most exclusive branches of Islam -- Wahhabism. Now word comes that Muslim leaders world wide are eager to embrace this call. Part of this desire to join in interfaith conversation/partnership is the realization that Islam is perceived in the West as a religion of violence.
We hear much about clashes of civilizations, clashes that some believe will prove catastrophic in the years to come. In the hopes of avoiding such a catastrophe we must embrace the call -- even if it's a less than equal conversation.


Anonymous said…
Why the outreach? Islam is really no different in core theology than all world religions, including mainstream Christianity. The common ground? The theology of Cain. That is gaining the approbation of God based on human good, morality, personal sacrifices and so on. Global religion is about to explode. And all world religions can unite as long as the atoning work of Jesus Christ, the singular path to God is rejected. This singular path rejects human good and only accepts the work of Christ. Global "religionists" despise the singular path and boast of many paths to God and "tolerance". But, don't be deceived, their many paths are really a single path, self-righteousness. Unless one is clear on the gospel, the spiritual life is vanity, worthless, dead. The suffering endured by Jesus Christ, while on the cross, was sufficient to satisfy God the Father's justice regarding the penalty of all human sin, unlimited atonement. It agreement with, belief in the atoning work of Jesus Christ, nothing less and nothing more. So, with a few moments of thought, one can have eternal life. Works, "commitment", asking Jesus into your heart have nothing to do with "receiving the spirit", appropiated by faith alone, not by obedience to the law of any system of good.

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