Armenian Genocide Vote Possible in House

For reasons political and nationalistic the Turkish government refuses to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23, when more than a million Armenians died by execution, deportation, or the deprival of needed resources. The Turks have long denied this was genocide and claim the Armenians got caught up in the midst of war. For their own reasons Israel -- who is on friendly terms with Turkey -- and the White House oppose a bill that likely will be presented to Congress (assuming that Nancy Pelosi will let it see a vote) so as not to offend the Turks.

Perhaps confession would lead to reconciliation and it would let Armenians rest in peace. The bill has 218 supporters and is being presented to the House by two Californians, Adam Schiff and George Radanovich, but the lobbying is hot and heavy, and the White House will surely veto anything that gets there -- but truth will win out.


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