
Showing posts with the label Grace

Accountability Before God - A Sermon for Pentecost 15A (Romans 14)

Weeding Time -- Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 7A (Matthew 13)

Why Do I Do These Things? - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 5A (Romans 7)

Dead to Sin, Alive to God - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 3A (Romans 6)

The Lost Art of Forgiveness - A Reflection on a Parable

Fear Not (Eric Law) - A Review

Abundant Grace - A Sermon for Lent 1 A (Romans 5)

Trauma + Grace (Serene Jones) -- A Review

Behold the Love, the Grace of God (Barton W. Stone)

The Joy of Forgiveness -- A Sermon for Lent 4C (Psalm 32)