
Showing posts with the label Welcome

Sign of Discipleship - A Sermon for Easter 5C - (John 13)

Water! Baptism? Time to Rejoice! - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5B (Acts 8)

Hospitality to Strangers and a Laughable Promise - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 2A (Genesis)

No Signs for You -- A Sermon for Lent 2A (Repost)

Eating with Strangers - A Sermon

Refugees and Local Politics

What is the Lord's Table's Role in Worship?

Welcome Home! - A Lectionary Reflection for Lent 4C

Microaggressions in Ministry (Cody Sanders & Angela Yarber) -- A Review

Meeting God in Paul (Rowan Williams) -- A Review

Hosanna! Hosanna! -- A Sermon for Palm Sunday