Keep Audacious Hope Alive!

Yes, I'm a hopemonger too! I appreciate a message of hope over a message of fear. Fear stunts our ability to grow and change. Many of the candidates in both parties tell us that this is a scary world and that we must hunker down and prepare for the worst. They call that a bunker mentality.

But hope is different. Yes, hope can be audacious. It can of course be naive, but it can also instill a vision of tomorrow that empowers and uplifts. That is, of course, the message of Barack Obama. If elected things will be different than today. Not just a change from Republican to Democrat, but from one generation to another. Although in theory Hillary and Barack are from the same generation, she's closer to his mother's generation than he is. Baby Boomers -- especially older ones -- have been at the vanguard of American life for years, and now they've/we've had two presidents of our own. One was a disaster (the current one), while the earlier one was a mixed blessing you might say. To elect Hillary is really to re-elect Bill. They are essentially one and the same in terms of policy and strategy. That may have worked okay in the 1990's but things have changed and we need someone who understands change.

Barack Obama is, I believe, the only candidate capable of changing the dynamics of our political system. He may disappoint us, but at least he has the potential to take us in a needed new direction.

Thursday Iowans have an opportunity to send a message. They can say to America that they desire a change in the way we live. As a predominantly White state they can put an end to the idea that America isn't ready for a Black President. Indeed, in many ways electing a Black President could be even more precedent setting than electing a woman. So, keep hope alive, Iowa. Go out and give us a chance to make a new world!

Wouldn't that be a nice 2008 New Years present!


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