Missional Renaissance

I started reading Missional Renaissance by Reggie McNeal the other day. I have gotten nearly half way through the book, and as pointed out in my posting on worship and missional, I have reservations about the book. At this point, I'm not planning to review it. McNeal's perspective on missional surely has its audience, but I'm not sure it will be helpful to those who are seeking to explore the missional perspective from a more moderate to progressive position. I think that Gary Nelson's Borderland Churches (Chalice, 2008), is a much more helpful book.

I thank Jossey Bass for providing the book, but I decided I'm not the audience for the book. I think maybe the audience is institutionally frustrated Southern Baptists -- but not me. The last straw, for me, was the suggestion that we go around telling people that we'll bless them by praying for them -- including waiters at restaurants. My suggestion to Christian folks, if you want to bless waiters and clerks, treat them better, like human beings -- and with regard to wait staff -- tip appropriately!

So, onward to other books, but I've not given up on the Missional idea. I think that there are, ultimately, several versions of this idea out there. The idea that we should be externally focused rather than internally focused is right on, but we needn't neglect our resources and foundations -- including worship -- to get there.


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