Obama's Faith Based Advisory Council

I want to say with some pride that Barack Obama chose the General Minister and President, Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, to be a member of his Faith Based Advisory Council. Sharon is a consensus builder. She's smart, perceptive, and will be an excellent contributor to this group.

It is interesting to read the various accounts of this group. If you read conservatives, this is nothing but a bunch of liberals. If you read liberals this is nothing but a bunch of conservatives. I guess Obama must be doing something right! If you have both ends of the spectrum mad at you, you're doing well.

Obama is a shrewd politician. He seems to understand that he needs a broad spectrum of religious people working together to get his agenda accomplished. Yes, I'd like a few more progressives than he's appointed, but I understand his purpose. And, as for foot soldiers, there aren't that many on the left -- at least not in the same way as on the right. While it may be valuable to protest, unless you get voters to the polls, you won't accomplish much of anything. So, I guess I would put myself in the camp that Mark Silk calls "commongroundniks." I want to see results!


The church-state separationist in me worries at all this "faith based advisory council" and "office of faith based initiatives" stuff. Too much mixing of Christ and Caesar for me.

This began with Reagan, continued with Clinton, grew with W. and now continues to morph and grow with Obama. Will we ever get the First Amendment back?
Gary said…
Take it from a genuine conservative: they're all liberals. No one who is theologically or politically conservative would accept a position on the "council". And obama doesn't want any conservatives on it anyway.

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