Vatican says Yes to Evolution, but No to Dawkins

Although Richard Dawkins thinks that Darwin and evolutionary theory proves that God doesn't exist and fundamentalists say that God created the universe pretty much as it stands today, the Vatican hosted a major conference that embraced Charles Darwin and the theories that have developed since he published On the Origin of the Species 150 years ago.

The Vatican says no to both Creationism and Intelligent Design -- at least as far as their being legitimate science. on the other side say God created the universe without making use of evolution.

This is good news, clarifying for us the Roman Catholic position.


Anonymous said…
This has been my lifelong position.
C Ryan said…
You have to watch this for fun.. you can take from it whatever you want. Its Ben Stein interviewing Dawkins.

Anonymous said…
I'm so glad, now let's all agree and move on... We all need both more reason AND more faith.

Bart D. Ehrman did an interview on NPR today. His new book "Jesus Interrupted" was discussed.

I didn't know NPR had so many shows on religion. I had tuned it out 99% (faith, not NPR) for many years, until lately.

It was even more fun though looking through feedback on NPR and also reviews about this book and others related at Amazon.

David Mc
Robert Cornwall said…

I caught the last half of the Ehrman interview. It is interesting in the sense of why he left the faith. It's not the scholarship -- it's the unanswered moral questions. It is much the same for Darwin. The issue of suffering.

Theodicy has long been the greatest cause of concern.

Thanks for the comments.
John said…
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John said…
I have spoken with so many people who left the faith, or lost their faith due to the question of suffering, and why God permits it to happen. I, on the other hand, came back to my faith because of the issue, and the fact that in Scripture no easy answers are offered. I am comfortable with the notion that the reasons why God permits suffering and injustice may be a mystery, understandable only by God, if at all. The important question for humans is not WHY is there suffering and injustice, but WHERE is God during the suffering and injustice? I am a pragmatist - the WHY is often not nearly as important as how are we going to respond to it. The WHY can be addressed later, in the quiet perspective of retrospect.

The answer of Scripture on this is quite consistent: in the midst of suffering and injustice, God is always present, weeping and suffering with us. We are not alone. Our best friends, even our spouses, often abandon us at these moments, but God remains, steadfast, always.

Anonymous said…
I know scripture doesn't ignore suffering. I guess John nailed it for me..Our best friends, even our spouses, often abandon us.

It took a new spouse telling me for 15yrs she didn't believe me whenever I proclaimed I was an atheist. If you can't beat em...

David Mc

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