Video of Sojourners Candidate Forum

Faith in Public Life has provided YouTube video of yesterday's forum.

The sound/video quality is a bit off, but it's useful to listen.

I must say that as a supporter of Barack Obama I was disappointed by comments he made about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He essentially placed all the burden on the Palestinians, which isn't likely to be the kind of balance we need. That being said, he has shown a willingness to listen.

Hillary made good points by sharing how her faith sustained her as she went through Bill's infidelities. She is very animated and yet calm -- a good job on her part.

John is of course quite able and well prepared to speak on poverty -- which is something that Sojourner's is interested in.

So, click here to find the clips.

An update: 3:03 PM

Melissa Rogers provides a list of sites that discuss yesterday's event. I read through a couple and found the one at the NY Times to be quite useful. The interesting thing to note is that Hillary rather than Barack was the one who talked the most about faith itself and that Hillary got the most applause.


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