Daniel in the Dino's Den

John Spalding, editor of SoMA Review, an online journal that has saw fit to feature several pieces I've written, has done us a great service by taking seriously the challenge of the newly opened Creation Museum in Kentucky. Now John writes with a certain flair that I lack, but which I respect.

He raises the question of why, if Ken Ham is correct, that Humans and Dino's lived simultaneously, there are no dinosaur pictures in our children's Bibles? This is a great conundrum, which John has sought to rectify using the best modern technology at hand -- the scanner and graphic arts software -- and a little imagination.
I'll leave you with a snippet of John's quest to rectify our problem. But be sure to read the rest at the Revealer:

As the Creation Museum sees it, the fossils date after the great flood, and that there were two of every kind of dinosaur on Noah’s ark. What a strategic miracle the ark must have been, considering it had to house reptilian creatures that stood several stories tall and could have consumed entire villages for brunch. The food supply on Noah’s ark must have entailed a forest, and the ark itself must have been much larger than the Bible modestly reports. According to Genesis, the ark was 30 cubits (45 feet) tall by 300 cubits (450 feet) long. A single sauroposeidon, however, was some 60 feet tall and 130 feet long. By my rough calculation, Noah’s ark must have been the size of 30 World War II aircraft carriers. This may sound fantastic, but it was probably a piece of cake for Noah to build considering that God ran the lumberyard.


Anonymous said…
Here is where I see the real danger of the Creation museum. Children are going to see it and think it’s the truth. Then, one day, they look at 300 million years of geology standing in a cannon in Utah, and think, wait, if the church lied to me about that, then they probably lied about everything, including that God and Jesus part.

Some of the most devout atheist I have read on line were former young earth, heavy duty fundamentalist, that realized the great big lie, and walked away from God.

I follow this stuff to much for my own good, but a couple of things I have been pondering. Is Ken Ham being true to his own teachings? He says T-rex was a vegetarian before the fall, because there was no death , before the fall. Then in his museum he has Pebbles and Bam Bam running around with t-rex, but it wasn’t until after the fall that children were born?

But, I’m learning not to ask them, because getting hit in the face with the crazy young earth responses is just not worth the effort. In all the yelling of each side, No one has come no know God, or a life of salvation, no minds have changed, and many young people, are being set for a great big fall.

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