America's Islam -- with a female face

In this world of fear, a large swathe of Americans fear Islam -- both the Islam residing in the Middle East and the one(s) found here. Politicians, of course, make great gains by emphasizing the threat and certain Christian groups find Islam a convenient enemy (sells lots of "prophecy" books.

But Islam isn't of necessity a threat, nor need it be an enemy of Christians or Jews. Historically we've gotten along at times and not so well at others. The modern era, with a combination of colonialism and Western secularism a seeming threat to the Islamic world that ability to get along has been challenged.

But America offers an opportunity for something different. My experiences with Muslims has been, by and large, positive. Many of them live with one foot in American life and the other foot in the Muslim World. They're being tugged in two directions and only time will tell how this interaction will influence not just American Islamic society, but the Islamic world as a whole. Great numbers of young Muslims from across the globe are studying in American Universities. The question is, what will they take with them when they return home. If the message they take home is one of an imperialistic Christianity that wishes to crush Islam, that message will indeed be dark. If, on the other hand, they are greeted with grace and with hospitality, then perhaps another message will be taken home.

One of the interesting facets of American Islam is the varieties of expressions and how they are melded together. Another is the current leader of the Islamic Society of North America, Ingrid Mattson, of Hartford Seminary. Mattson is a convert, a scholar, and a timely representative. Her voice is calm and her message is one of stability. She won't rock the boat, it's said, especially on some aspects of women's roles. But still, simply her role model is important.

There is a USA Today article that highlights her life and the beginning of her second year in office. As we consider the role of religion in society, we can work to build bridges or we can dig deeper canyons. I'd like to build bridges, and it would seem that Mattson is one who seeks to do the same!


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