Joseph Lowery -- Obama's Forgotten Pray-er

I am of course over joyed that Sharon Watkins has been chosen to preach at the Inaugural Prayer Service. As I've already made abundantly clear, as a Disciples of Christ pastor I can say that she is one of ours! I understand that the choice of Bishop Gene Robinson kind of balances out Pastor Rick Warren. But lost in all the discussion/debate is the presence of the Rev. Joseph Lowery, the person called upon to do the Benediction.

It is appropriate that Barack Obama will take the oath of office the day before Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday, being that he is the first African-American President. But Lowery's presence is important as well. Not only is Lowery a strong Obama supporter, and a spiritual advisor, Lowery at 87 is one of the few living links to the Martin Luther King's earliest efforts. Lowery co-founded with King the Southern Christian Leadership Council, and after King's death was its primary leader. He is known for his willingness to take strong stands on controversial issues -- including stating his opposition to the Iraq War during Coretta Scott King's funeral.

In a lengthy article today in the Washington Post, we learn much about this important historic figure -- who is still very active in his senior years. We learn how he believes that it was an act of God that White Southerners voted for a black man. He also serves to remind us about what Martin Luther King was all about. He's concerned about the safe and sanitized Dr. King we learn about today.

"They have made Martin a glorified social worker, and they have almost made our
young folks believe that all Martin did was go around dreaming," Lowery says. "He was a nonviolent militant. He was a Christian radical."

It is good to be reminded of this heritage. It is good as well to know that this giant of the civil rights movement has the ear of the incoming President. Too bad we've forgotten this voice in our furious debates about the other figures.


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