A Lament for Gaza

I am not sympathetic to Hamas, nor do I approve of its rocket attacks on Israeli towns. I find them repulsive and counterproductive. Having said that, the Israeli response, which was from the beginning disproportionate has become increasingly punitive and ultimately counterproductive.

We were told that the reason for the military response was the stopping of rocket attacks, but these attacks, especially since the ground invasion has begun look increasingly punitive of the people of Gaza, not just Hamas. Each day it seems we hear that a hospital, a school, a university, a mosque, a medical clinic, a UN facility has been attacked or destroyed. The Israeli response is that mortars or rockets were fired from nearby. They say they're not targeting civilians, and yet the very infrastructure that is meant to sustain the civilians is being systematically destroyed.

Yes, Hamas continues to shoot off 10-15 rockets a day, but they cause little damage or injury. Since Israel won't let foreign journalists into what is now a walled off prison camp, we can only take into consideration Palestinian (Hamas) reports, which claim that upwards of 1100 people have died, and thousands more have been injured/wounded.

Arab countries, including those willing to work with Israel are increasingly pulling back from peace efforts. Although I expect some kind of ceasefire will go into effect before Tuesday, I don't think it will be lasting. Too much damage to relationships have been done. And as for Israel, this may have short term political benefits within the country, it has come at the cost of respect from outside.

Someone asked, what peace would look like to me. Ultimately, I would love to see Jew, Christian, Muslim living together in peace, with no need for walls or checkpoints, having found a common purpose in living together. But until that is possible, I'd love to see a cessation of hostilities and the beginnings of compassion.


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