Israel's Right Turn

It is becoming more and more clear that Israel has taken a turn to the far right. Although Likud came in second, the demise of Labor in the last election will allow for a far right coalition, with Likud being the "moderate" party to the coalition. Indeed, the center right Kadima party is now likely to be the chief liberal opposition party.

What does that mean?

Well, it likely means an end to any meaningful negotiations on Palestinian statehood, which Likud opposes. Benyamin Netanyahu's chief partner favors a "two state" solution, but it will likely not be something Palestinians can stomach. The more likely scenario is increased settlements on the West Bank and increased incursions in Gaza, which will also be increasingly squeezed economically. It is also possible that Israeli Arabs, Palestinians who are now citizens of Israel, will see their rights curbed.

Now, such a coalition could surprise us, but the Israeli Left, those who want peace have essentially abdicated rule to those who want a very different outcome.

This new direction will make it increasingly difficult for the US to have meaningful conversation with Israel -- they simply are going in a different direction than we are. So, the question will be: how do we relate to Israel? We will have to put pressure -- including revoking of financial support, most of which goes to the military.

Again, we continue to pray for the region.


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