John McCain, Rod Parsely, and Anti-Islam sentiment

Much has been made about Barack Obama's membership in Jeremiah Wright's church -- and Wright's rhetoric. Although not a member of Rod Parsley's church, McCain, seeking connections to the Conservative Christian movement -- Religious Right more particularly -- sought out an endorsement from Rod Parsley. He has broken with John Hagee because of statements about Hitler and the Jews, but so far has said nothing about Parsley's very troubling anti-Islamic rhetoric.

Here is a video that links McCain and Parsley. I post this, though I was troubled by the postings about Wright, because Parsley poses a danger to our nation. Don't think that this stuff doesn't find its way into the Middle East. If uttered by an imam about America, people here would have a fit. Is this not the same thing and isn't it much worse than anything Jeremiah Wright said?

Note too that McCain speaks of him as a spiritual guide and a moral compass for America. Has John listened to Parsley?


Unknown said…
How does Parsley pose a danger to America? I think he has it pretty close to right. Have you read the Qur'an, the ahadith, studied Islam?

The Truth About Muhammad: Quran is a Fraud!
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
@ connie : Hey idiot. First of all have u read the Qur'an, the ahadith and studied Islam ? . You think that if you pose this question and give a stupid link, everyone will believe whatever you say without reading ?. Get a life !

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