Messages of Fear

FDR famously said: "Only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." With that FDR began his leadership of the nation. Now, three quarters of a century later, John McCain is running around sounding a bit like Chicken Little. If we were to talk to Raul Castro the world would fall apart -- yes America's national security would be at risk. Now this is a message that plays well in anti-Castro sections of Florida, but the reality is quite different. The rest of the world talks to Cuba -- only the US continues on as if nearly 50 years have not passed us by. Consider this, the "don't talk to Cuba" line has gone on through the presidencies of ten men, more than half of whom are now deceased.
Obama has made it clear that if it would benefit our interests he'll talk to the leaders of nations we are at odds with. John McCain thinks that's naive. My belief is that McCain's position is old hat and no longer valid. Besides, we've talked with enemies before -- consider high level talks with China and the Soviets. And as far as talking to the leaders of Venezuela and Cuba, consider that in recent years anti-American leaders have been elected in a number of Latin American countries. The GW positions haven't fared well.
Let us stop acting in fear and start talking to people. If we were to engage, let's say Syria, we could possibly woo them toward our views. Syria is a largely secular nation, with a fairly diverse religious make up. It has cozied up to Iran in many ways because it keeps them safe. But they are really fearful of an Islamist takeover. In other words, if we could talk with them, we might make things safer. But of course, McCain just wants to use bellicosity. We get to decide which is more productive.


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